Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tips Before Entering The Forest

Outdoor activities in the wild, particularly for the mountain climbing or hiking enthusiasts, there would be easy to enter the forest area, because it is part of nature that must be met. Many of the adventurers who get lost or experience - it is not desirable when it has been in the woods, like lost or exposed to various diseases caused by the forest.  
Forest, either geographic or typological, has a different environmental circumstances and challenges. Wild nature condition become the main attraction of nature lovers. Whatever the reason, life in the wild have a variety of possibilities and uncertain circumstances. Starting from the soil conditions, weather, animals, plants, limited water, especially the ability of human adaptation. Uncertain state of knowledge when in the wild, called jungle survival, desperately needed by the adventurers although it is only hobby. Ability strongly support the safety of themselves, as well as for our wildlife tour went well.
  1. Prepare supplies as needed. Plan activities and follow the procedures. Stay in groups, do not isolate yourself.
  2. Prepare mental attitude. Do not panic easily, discipline, positive thinking, and optimistic to be always vigilant and make the decision with calm. Have faith and confidence. Have the ability to learn from experience and the natural environment, environmental knowledge of the jungle, sea, and enough knowledge on the biology and ecology.
  3. Learn about plants that can be consumed and used as medicine. Consumption of plants which are well known and cook in advance to be safe. Do not consume plants with striking color (usually white or yellow), smell bad, and do not have milk sap. Usually the plants dangerous to live alone, barbed and bitter. Plants that can be consumed, among them: yam (Uwi, Dioscorea hispida), fruit senggani (harendong, malastoma polyantum), sintrong or Gynura arrantiaca, bamboo shoots, banana, mushroom, and oyster mushrooms. As a suggestion, make the coconut as the main menu to be secure to survive.
  4. Know the medicinal plants as the first aid. Crude drug vegetable or medicinal plants many nature live in Indonesia. Usually known by word of mouth and a traditional medicine communities. Some commonly used herbs include: Leaves the horse's legs or antanan for drug thrush, cough, abdominal pain. Young leaves and seeds can be used for drug Caliandra sprue. Blumea leaf sweet for abdominal pain and heat.
  5. Be careful with some following plants, especially if direct contact with parts of your body. Among them : raw sugar palm fruit, which will cause skin irritation, itching, skin hot and swollen. Castor seeds make headache, diarrhea, always defecation, and vomiting. Cone-shaped flower and leaves, mushrooms Psilocybe sp can cause hallucinations. All parts Picung tree or Amanita Verna pangi and mushrooms are very poisonous and deadly.
  6. Know the types of animals that can be used as food. Learn the habitat, physical form, food, animal behavior patterns, and how to catch it. Animals more difficult to find than the target plant as food. Most wild animals can be consumed. But avoid animals that have thorns, has a stinger, attractive and striking color, and insects that have fur. As a suggestion, it's safer to hunt fish.
  7. Should avoid some of the following animals, because it contains toxic and hazardous to human safety. Among them : Mosquitoes gnats, commonly live clustered in the swamps and jungles. Malaria mosquito, the cause of malaria. Fire ant bites usually crawling on the ground and foliage, making the heat and itching of the skin. Bee or wasp stings, scorpions, leeches, and centipedes. Especially avoid contact with tigers, leopards, snakes and crocodiles.
  8. Keep your feet stay dry, because the risk of infection if wet for too long because the water is not hygienic. Drink water that is clear and has been cooked. If we drink raw water, then use wide leaves to collect rain water or dew. Pieces of bamboo used for harvesting rainwater.
  9. Use firewood from trees and plants that contain terpetin, such as dry twigs, dry wood, pine tree sap, and sap the tree resin. Make a fire for lighting, heating, cooking, eliminating the fear, avoid wild animals, and as a sign for others.
  10. If you get lost, get back on track. Use the marks as a trail when it has passed a certain point, in twigs, trees, or soil. Walk in the back of the mountain, usually climb the ridge lines as paths. Avoid valley path that will make you hard to see someone else. Come down to the river just to fetch water, because wild animals made the river as their lifeblood.
Tips before entering the forest explained above hopefully can be applied. Of course, a lot of things mentioned above can not occur abruptly, because nature can not be predicted, please understood better and more  careful. Happy adventuring!

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