Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Six Important Guide For Beginner Photographer

Photography is a hobby that requires experience and training. A beginner photographer must learn about the basic photography if he /she wanted to photograph well. Besides, he/she should diligently read a tutorial on photography or chat with others diligently. Currently in the Internet itself has available a variety of photography community, local and international, professional or beginner. Even had a lot of sites that provide reviews of a product, so if we want to buy something we can read first how people respond to these products. Thus the possibility of us buy things that are 'not good' may increasingly be minimized.
Maybe everyone can take pictures. Not hard, just aim, press the button, and so. Even in this era of digital camera you can delete if the image is not good and take another photo, unlike the old analog camera era. But to be able to photograph well, of course there are certain techniques that we must learn and follow.
Here are 6 non-technical things we need to know in order to further improve the quality of our photo shots.
1. Always carry your camera.
One of the reasons why people miss an important moment is because they do not bring your camera when the moment occurs. It's not required to carry heavy camera complete with all equipment, digital pocket camera is good enough to always carry wherever you go. And also by bringing the camera in your pocket, you will always be interested in taking the picture. Surely you do not want to just bring a camera in your pocket without doing something right?
2. Portraits again and again.
Feel free to always take pictures, because you will never ever do enough shooting. Ken Rockwell, one of the professional photographer, said that he had taken about 30,000 photos with the Nikon D3 and 20,000 photos with a Nikon D700, not including other photos with other cameras. He kept practicing and practicing to get to perfect shooting results. It costs nothing to do dozens of photos to a particular object, you just delete it later anyway.
3. Believe in the eye.
Only you can know whether a particular object will be good for the capture or not. You can only learn certain techniques, but eventually everything will return to you to use it. Shutter, explore objects with viewfinder and find the good part to be photographed.
4. Train your eye.
One of the things that make a photographer can get a good photograph is that observant eyes capture the moment. This requires practice. With our frequent practice of our eyes will be more alert and able to imagine an object or event in front of our eyes 'framed' in the photo frame. Do not forget to always observe the results of our photos. Do the critics on ourselves, look for shortcomings and advantages of the image, and think about ways to overcome these errors. If required, discuss with other people. Thus in subsequent photos there is a mistake that will not happen again.
5. Get to know our cameras.
This is something that is mandatory. We recognize the camera with us as we recognize ourselves we will not make a mistake in the operation of our camera. Of course, we do not want to miss a crucial moment just because we do not know how long it takes to ready our camera. No need to memorize all the features available on our camera, but at least we know the characteristics of the cameras we use, whether our camera including a camera that 'fast', or are we a good camera to take pictures in the studio, or we are a good camera to take pictures of people or scenery, and so forth.
6. Perform experiments on the photo.
There are a lot of software to enhance and even manipulate the images. How to photograph the 'ordinary' can be great with this editing program. The most famous is the photoshop program is the reference for the photographer today. Do not be afraid to experiment, make a great photo results with this program. For this course you should always make backups of your photo. Work on these backup files, and store the original file. Thus, you always have your shots files to perform another experiment.

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