Sunday, April 24, 2011


Quicksand, hear or read about it, our thoughts have flown anywhere, in something sinister. Sand attract a person's body like in the movie, then sank and sank into the sea of ​​sand. But actually, it's all just shadows in the film, was not scary as quicksand in the movies earlier. Victims who fall into it are still floating because quicksand will only sink the bottom of the waist. Thus the results of research scientists in the Netherlands. 

Quicksand basically ordinary sand mixed with water so that the bonds between the particles will be reduced and unable to withstand a certain load. The mixture is often found in or near large river deltas. Quicksand can also be formed after the earthquake that caused the water from the reservoir in the soil seeps into the soil surface. Quicksand becomes very dangerous because it can cause the collapse of bridges or buildings.

However, the possibility of someone drowning in quicksand virtually zero. "Hollywood Preview is wrong," said Thomas Zimmie, an expert in soil mechanics at Ransellar Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Nonetheless, scientists are not tired to prove the truth of myth scientifically. Daniel Bonn thinking to build a model of quicksand in the laboratory since a visit in Iran.   

Researchers from the University of Amsterdam is seeing a warning sign to visitors to the dangers of quicksand near the Namak Lake, located in the north of the country. Bonn also heard warnings from locals about the danger. The warning will draw attention to bring sand to the Dutch sample and analyze its composition. Having found that the mixture consists of high-quality sand, clay, and salt water, Bonn and his team create artificial quicksand in large numbers. 

They then put a ball of aluminum on the surface of quicksand. The ball did not sink until the researchers vibrate the quicksand and made a motion that causes the mixture more fluid. When doing this, the aluminum ball was entirely submerged. However, when using aluminum ball that has a density similar to humans, which means lower than the density of quicksand, the ball was never drowned, although the mixture is treated harshly.

The fall of an object to cause quicksand particles mixed with water, loss of stability. If it continues to receive pressure, the mixture will turn into more liquid on the surface and very solid at the bottom. "The greater the pressure, the more liquid the quicksand that is formed so that movement of the victim makes mired deeper and deeper," said Daniel Bonn, lead investigator from the University of Amsterdam, as written in the 29 September issue of Nature. Based on the measurement of aluminum equipment, improving the physical pressure to the particles of one percent led to the sinking velocity increased a million times. Bonn adding that pulling items out of the sand at this stage requires equal power lifting medium-sized car.

"The most dangerous is when the sand suction tends to draw quickly," he said. But patience can save you. If you wait patiently, sand particles will eventually stabilize so that the mixture of buoyancy will lift you up. "We know that the sand layer beneath it over the meeting while more water in the upper layer. A very thick layer of sand beneath the water contains very little so it is difficult to remove the foot that slipped into it, "said Bonn.
His advice, stay calm and usually you will float. Straighten your back to expand the area that is free and wait until the feet free of sand. Bonn is also suggested that the foot moves to control the water so you float. "You must enter the water into the sand and the easiest way is twirling around the foot in the quicksand," he added. The recommendation is most likely correct. The proof, aluminum ball second in this experiment did not sink more than half. Although the ball is only four millimeters in diameter, density similar to humans and therefore can be used as a human model.

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