Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Magic Skin of Aircraft

Kulit Sakti Pembungkus Pesawat
Cessna developed the magic skin that protects the exterior skin of the aircraft from lightning, collisions, temperature extremes, and even electromagnetic interference. The more powerful, the skin can heal yourself.
The idea of ​​this technology comes from the technology aircraft that completed last year, the STAR-C2. The idea is to make the outer skin of the film that can supply power and energy absorbing foam that covers the entire fuselage.
Team GE / Cessna stated that the skin as it can halve the burden of environmental hazards prophylactic tool. Leather is also designed to show the damage clearly so that the investigators on the ground could see the damage to the fuselage.
Leather wrapping itself can fix itself when torn or punctured. Another bonus, in the cabin due to engine noise can be reduced.
This technology is not expected to be immediately applied. Scientists may just finished making 20 or 25 years. (Source: Popsci)

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