Monday, April 25, 2011

Google Develops Time Machine Applications

Google Kembangkan Aplikasi Mesin Waktu

An application that can bring people to explore the time being developed. Google became one of its main supporters.
Applications that are named GigaPan Time Machine is a series of images on a specific area to be monitored within a certain period as well. The series of images are then threaded up into a video. Users can enlarge or reduce the image in the desired area without a significant reduction in resolution.
Applications developed by a team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University that uses technology that can unify GigaPan images photos high resolution to create a panoramic image. Over the past 26 days, a camera takes a picture every 15 minutes. The photographs that are then "stitched" into a video like that can be seen in
When users play the video, they will see the various changes that occur during the period of shooting, from the color change until a caterpillar plants that are eroding the leaves as the image is enlarged. Sensation is what will bring the user as if time travel.
In addition to Carnegie Mellon University and the GigaPan Systems, NASA is also involved in the development of this application. While Google's role is to optimize its use in the browser engine. (Source: PCMag)

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