Sunday, April 24, 2011

Find Direction Without Compass

How to find direction without a compass may be much needed for the instigators of the outdoors, like hiking, camping and mountaineering. Because many adventure lovers do not bring compass with a variety of reasons. Indeed, if using a compass, the direction that we aim at will seem more valid, but without any assistance we can determine the compass direction which is also valid.   
As for how, do the following, especially on tropical region :
  • Side of a mossy stone or the thickest tree showing southward.
  • Mosque shows the west (qibla).
  • Islamic cemetery, where there tombstone which shows the north and opposite the headstone is the south.
  • By looking at the sun rising in the east, sets in the west.
  • With the shadow : from long to short shadow shows the east. From short to long shadow shows the west.
  • By looking at the ant nest, ant nest near the tree shows the west.
  • Trees canopy or leaf are the most dense in the west.
  • Black shadow on the full moon shows the north.

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