Saturday, April 16, 2011


Leading figures of science strategy, Michael E. Porter, had a new "toy". As with other business teachers, new toy that is contextual business jargon. The context is the crisis in Asia, which followed the crisis in other countries. After fiddling with data, facts and figures, Porter then conclude there is something that escaped the attention of business experts, namely beliefs, Attitudes, and values ​​are slung on human economic activity, enterprise, or nation. That's called Porter as the economic culture. Cultural economics is what will ultimately determine the well-being, whether in the form of profits, health, growth, long life, quiet life, and so forth.
Where lies the importance of economic culture? Here: ways of thinking, beliefs, value systems, and human attitudes will determine the productivity of society. Productivity achieved by humans, a business unit, organization or an bangsalah which should be the basis of how much salary or compensation received by a person. That is, only people who really work hard, work smart, an important contribution, give something useful that would be rewarded adequately.
Community or group members should have a "way" to not let people steal from their unproductive productive. Corruption is only one of them. The rest may appear vaguely through the manipulation of perception and compassion fishing. An unproductive employee will be dismissed management. However, with pleading style he managed to attract the sympathy of his friends who organizes productive resistance.
Should provide space on a non-productive? Are there any cultural values ​​that hinder or organization could spend unproductive behavior was so completely separate from those who are productive? If there was, the next question is whether there are system benefits (reward systems) that are strong for productive groups to inhibit the infiltration of the movement that is not productive? During the social costs borne by workers earning more than he received, it is difficult for the productive to not beromantisme with his friends who were knocked out or wasted.
In crisis situations, it is probable that the economic or cultural productive culture in ruins. Old values ​​can not be held longer, while the new has not been formed. Employers and the government squeezed the various problems. Ask for more loans more difficult, increasing the selling price is almost impossible, but the cost structure is increasing. As a result, reward system for workers fall apart so that there is bad possibilities, namely loss of welfare slowly. Said Michael Porter, the attitudes of individuals and organizations as well as strong economic behavior is influenced by their perceptions of the possibility to gain or win something. The values ​​and beliefs to think someone really decide what he wants to win.
In an era of dream society is one type of market that can be viewed as a complement or substitute for productive culture. His name is the market for care: a request for help or help those who are experiencing difficulty, the suffering, the duafa, even those who for one reason or another become unproductive. Can be called complementary because this market is needed to lift the back for their re-productive. But, there is a substitution character, which tends to destroy, that is creating dependency or even organize the emotional strength to certain interests that are not productive.
The question is, do we need to make room for things that are not productive? As a rational human being, you might say no. But, East Human Right Brain Brother immediately rebuked. Community organizations at work, friendships, until an article that touches on the newspaper and on television shows make us more sympathetic to the "victims" who probably are not earning the "forced" marginalized.
If we want this nation to become more productive, of course, the government must have ways to build cultural economic and populist bandwagon do not damage the productive culture. Likewise, executives and entrepreneurs. They must have a system of incentives to continue to move their productive or have the perception that the benefits outweigh the social costs that they bear. Young people should be more sympathetic to choose the "losers." Sympathy should be based on the principle of productivity, not dependence, except in those who are already really need it.

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