Saturday, April 23, 2011


Mountain climbing is required for adequate preparation. Often the physical training activities are not well prepared. In mountain climbing is determined by external and internal factors. Physical fitness is absolutely necessary.  
Legendary British mountaineer, Sir George Leigh Mallory, often answering the question why he is so "Crazy" up the mountain. "Because it is there," he said. That answer illustrates just how wide his experience climbing mountain and adventure. In addition to that answer, there are many reasons why a person climbing a mountain or wrestle other adventure activities. They have reason longer than Mallory. In the initial page handbook which owned the entire adventure members written, "Nationalism can not be grown from a slogan or indoctrination. Love only grows from the ground water, see the direct nature and society. That's why we go up the mountain ".  
What is clear, not a natural adventurer community in Indonesia prefer to use the term nature lovers do activities on the grounds for show. Because it is not for show, it should not be the term "Risked capital" in mountain climbing. However, the mountain with a wild jungle, steep cliffs, cold air, the wind that makes the bones ache, a dark night and a dense fog is not a modern human habitat.  
The danger that it would be natural conceived the greater if not for mountaineering equip themselves with the equipment, physical strength, knowledge about nature, and good navigation. Without good preparation, go up the mountain is meaningless nothing. 
In general, there are two factors that influence the success or failure of mountain climbing, namely:  
1. External Factors 
 External factor includes weather, natural conditions, toxic gas contained mountains and so forth that are part of nature and of nature. Therefore, the danger that might arise such as wind storms, fallen trees, volcanic eruptions or toxic gas meruapnya categorized as an objective danger. Often these factors change rapidly beyond expectations manusia.Tidak there was a climber who can set the objective danger. But he can prepare themselves to face any possibility.  
2. Internal Factors  
Factors that comes from climbers themselves that include all preparations, and the ability of this second factor effect on the success or failure of mountain climbing. When climbers are not preparing for the climb, so he simply enlarge the danger. For example, the danger of cold because the climbers did not carry a thick jacket or tent to prevent the cold air and wind. Can not negotiable, climb the mountain is heavy physical activity. Therefore, physical fitness is essential. To walk and interesting body of a branch or a rock barrier, leg and hand muscles must be strong. To support the weight of backpacks, shoulder muscles must be strong. Durability (endurance) is essential because the required long travel until a few days to be able to arrive at the summit. When an unusual exercise, prospective climbers should do jogging two or three times a week, do two to three weeks before the climb. Start jogging without forcing themselves, for example just 30 minutes with running relaxed. Increase time and speed gradually jogging on the next occasion. When the activity was boring, can be interspersed with swimming. Two sports that are very beneficial to increase endurance and capacity Maximum lungs suck the oxygen. Exercise push ups, sit ups, pull ups should also done to strengthen the muscles. Because of his spirits, climbers often eager to reach the top, especially if the activity is done in groups.  
Competition to run the fastest, most forward, and be the first to trample the peak, should be abandoned. Good hiking just walked slowly in small steps and in a fixed rhythm. By running that way, hikers can catch your breath, and using energy as efficiently as possible. 
However, climbing is exhausting work. In addition, natural beauty and togetherness within the group, climbers often tempting for many to stop and rest in the middle of the road. It is not impossible even failed to reach the summit ascent. Because of that, try to make the ascent target. For example, should run nonstop for one hour, then rest 10 minutes, again climbing for an hour and so on. Do this until you reach peak or days had afternoon to camp. On a sloping field trip, a target date as it can be replaced with the target site. The trick, determine target points on the map as a point of rest. 
 Make a schedule of planned activities so that the available time is used as effectively as possible in working in nature. Schedule allows the climber to calculate how much food, clothing, equipment must be brought, and the funds must prepared. The schedule includes departures, climbing route , when arriving at the summit, go home route , and so on. Schedule of climbing per day can be more detailed with the number of hours allotted ascent, at what time starts and when to stop and so on.  
To avoid the inherent burden too heavy, avoid carrying unnecessary goods. For example, just bring clothes and pants three or four sets despite the ascent requires a long time. One set of clothing worn when leaving the house until the foot of the mountain and at home. One set of the current field clothes climb. One set of the other as a dry suit is used when camping.  Umbrella can be removed from the goods when it has brought a Rain coat. When you have been carrying a candle, bring enough batteries as necessary to turn the flashlight in an emergency. The plate can be left at home because the food containers can be replaced by cooking basket or cup. When items of equipment have been collected, put all into a backpack. Do not let any number of goods such as cup or sandals strapped outside of backpack. 
In addition, the risk of lost during the climb, very big. Although, there are some items that tolerated when placed outside of backpack and tied with rope webbing backpack. For example, rubber mats and tent poles. However, be sure, all have been tied in securely. Put stuff in the backpack is very different from the way include books lessons in the daypack (small backpack which is used to school). Textbooks, clothes practicum, the calculator can we just put into the daypack. In contrast, the goods for ascent should included in the backpack with certain rules, thereby reducing the pain of carrying and avoid space empty in a backpack.  
The principle of packing goods in a backpack:  
1. Put lighter items on the bottom and heavy goods at the top.  
2. Goods needed most recently (eg camping equipment and sleeping), placed at the bottom and goods are often issued-entered (Like a jacket, raincoat, water bottle) at the top. 
3. Do not leave any empty space in the backpack. Example, take advantage of the inside of the pot as a place to store rice. To that end, the first step was to group climbing gear packed goods by type, such as : Clothing and sleeping bags, cooking tool, Tents, Food.  
4. Wrap groups of the stuff in the plastic bags to be easily searchable. Most of the climbers assume, the art of packing separately is often exciting.  

Basic Knowledge of Mountain Climber 
In mountain climbing or explore nature, we also had to cook, eat, sleep, and clean themselves. All done alone. For that, the climber can not avoid a relatively large luggage and heavy. Equipment whatever it takes to climb? Supplies a climber in the form of shoes, shirts and pants, jacket, rain coats, and backpacks.  
Good hiking shoes protect the feet from injury in addition, must also be comfortable when worn while carrying a heavy burden on slippery terrain, rocks, and steep. Types of boots is best suited for this activity, because it protects the wrist up to the possibility of sprained ankles. Choose the soles of shoes with big flowers, a niche that is deep and has a heel. Sol like this allows the user to grip the surface despite the extreme conditions (steep, slippery, or rocks). Ideal clothing when hiking in tropical mountains is relatively thick and absorbs sweat, pants that are not rigid and light in order to protect the feet from thorn scratches. Material of cotton or wool clothing is ideal. Unfortunately, when it becomes wet, cotton is not able to keep warm. Clothes from synthetic materials such as polyesters and acrylics slightly absorbs sweat but fast dry. While the nylon material should not be used because it does not absorb sweat so that perspiration will remain stuck in body. In contrast, nylon is very well keep out the rain, so widely used as a rain coat.  

When hiking, avoid the use of clothing made from jeans. This material is difficult to dry and heavy when wet. When climbing terrain covered by trees or tall shrubs, where the wind is not strong, avoid wearing a jacket when walking. In addition, withstand sweat stuck to the body, the jacket also makes the body feel hot because the body temperature rises during the run due to nutrients burning to produce energy. At rest, in between climbing, combustion is reduced. The cold temperatures in the mountains and wind gusts the climbers would face a drastic difference in temperature. Therefore, when resting, should climbers wearing a thick jacket or sweater. When the rest when it rains, you should change the way clothes are wet with clothes dry. Jackets should be used against the cold at the top or at the camping site when akitivitas not segiat when walking. Choose a jacket that is made from field (down jacket). This type of jacket is thick and cold retaining good. The disadvantage, relatively heavy and takes a lot of places in a backpack. Other Jackets should be taken are those that have two layers (double layer). Layer is usually made in heated and to absorb perspiration like wool or polartex, is the outer layer serves to hold water and wind. Now, textile technology is capable of producing Goretex, jacket material are comfortable to wear while climbing. The material allows the skin is still "breathing", not hot, steaming perspiration, able to withstand the wind (breaking wind) and rain water catchment (water proof). Other climbing equipment is vital backpack. Now many types of backpacks, especially framed in the sale on the market. The function of the framework in addition to supporting the backpack body remained upright, preventing shifting of goods in it, and keep the distance between the user's back from the backpack. As a result, the goods brought hard painless. Backpacks are better equipped regulator rope belt , hip clothing, or a waist belt. Belt and regulator rope that will make the wearer comfortable shouldering a backpack and its contents. When the climber wants to bring luggage to the shoulders and back, tighten the shoulder straps and loosen clothing regulator waist belt. Conversely, if the load is sustained to his back and waist, tighten the straps and waist belt loosen the shoulder straps clothing. Well designed backpacks, if the framework of the bottom, when used, is around the waist is arches frame upper spine curvature appropriate user. Backpack that has several pockets in the cover or entity, has many advantages. Goods such small drinking water bottle, jacket, or camera that often used during ascent, may put there. Thus, the climber does not need mess up contents of backpack. Therefore, choose a backpack made of nylon or canvas. Also water-resistant nylon in addition to light. In contrast, relatively canvas particularly severe when wet. However, the canvas is stronger against scratches  

Hiking Preparation
General preparation for climbing the mountain, among others, mental readiness, physical, ethics, knowledge and skills.  
1. Planning ascent. The things that need to be planning in ascent:     
- Recognize the ability of self in the face of the field team     
- Studying the terrain that will be pursued     
- Thorough planning and climbing routes to be taken as carefully as possible     
- Estimate time in climbing   
2. Check all equipment to be carried     
- Travel gear     
- Basic equipment     
- Road equipment: shoes, socks, pants, belts, clothes, hats, raincoats etc.     
- Bedding: sleeping bag, tent, mattress, etc.     
- Cooking and eating equipment: stove, spoon, food, matches etc.     
- Personal Equipment: needles, thread, personal medication, toothbrush, toilet paper
- Backpack / carrier     
- Auxiliary equipment : Compass, flashlight, knife belt, a machete slash, P3K, Map, arc degrees, ruler, pencils, communication tools (Handy talky), survival kits, GPS, watches
3. Packing gear into a backpack or classify goods according to the type of its kind put in plastic bag. 
4. Put a light goods and rarely used (eg, sleeping equipment) at the place most in, the goods are often used and the vital place it as close to the body and easily retrieved Place items heavier as high and as close to the body / back.  
5. Make checklist of items.  

Miscellaneous disease that is often encountered by climbers:
  1. Hypotermia - Decrease in body temperature abnormally, known as the cold causes of death. it makes no difference whether there is in water, forest or mountain top. Statistics show the majority of cases this would occur at temperatures not too cold and it is considered dangerous. Wet body with sweat or rain water and wind at a certain temperature can be fatal and can cause you to lose a lot calori.  Aid must be given within 1 ½ hours after shivering.
  2. Dehydration - Lack of fluid in the body due to sunlight or water that enters the body, less or more drinks high salinity water in the body so that fluid drawn out.
  3. Sun Burn - Burning of the skin due to sun rays, usually on high ground, a layer of thin air and sun contain ultraviolet that burns the skin.

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