Monday, April 25, 2011

LIPI's Coastal Surveillance Radar Ready For Sale

Radar Pengawas Pantai LIPI Siap Dipasarkan

Coastal surveillance radar technology by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) is ready to be mass produced and marketed. It was stated Principal Scientist Radar LIPI, Masyuri Wahab. ISRA is the radar for the setting in the sea and air transport, weather observation, territory mapping, and navigation.
Masyuri pointed out that the testing device has been made since 2010 in the Sunda Strait region. In these tests, three radar units Indonesia Sea Radar (ISRA) is installed in a separate place to monitor sea traffic and the result is quite good. "This radar has the ability equivalent to an artificial radar outside," he said.
Development of radar included as one of leading research LIPI is expected to help the national defense system. Head of LIPI,
Prof. Dr. Anggara Umar also stated, that the ISRA may be included as a security and defense applications in the offshore area. "As a guide for missile and target lock," he said.
These devices achieve a maximum reach of 64 miles but the radar works optimally at a distance of 22 kilometers when elevated on the tower 40 meters. The radar itself capable of recognizing objects at a distance measuring 6 feet 3 kilometers.
Radar that all parts are assembled in Indonesia using Frequency-Modulated Continuous technology (FM-CW) for electric power consumption is lower and smaller size than the radar that is used in Indonesia.
Another advantage, ISRA, including as a "
calm radar" so it is hard infiltrated by enemy. Radar is also difficult to be detected by the scanner and do not interfere with other radar systems. Doppler capabilities embedded in the device can be used to measure the direction of movement of ships.
The gains from the sale of radar will be used to encourage the development of more sophisticated radar equipment that can be exported abroad. LIPI continue to develop the capability of this radar with several process improvements. ISRA software will be modified so as to display data more efficiently.

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