Sunday, April 24, 2011


Eagles, one animal that looks handsome bird. Eagle is also the only bird that can fly the highest among other birds, therefore, the Eagles have a nest at certain altitude, very strong wind blew. That's the beauty Eagle. Eagle is a type of poultry that have the longest in the world. Can reach 70 years of age. But to achieve the age long as it is an eagle must make a decision that was very heavy at that age to 40. When the eagle was 40 years old, his claws began to ripen, become long and curved beak until almost touching his chest.
Wings become very heavy because of his fur has grown dense and thick, making it very difficult time flying. At that time, hawks only have two choices: Waiting for death, or experienced a very painful process of transformation, a transformation process that long for 150 days. To perform the transformation, the eagle must strive to fly to the top of mount to then make a nest on the edge of a cliff, stop and remain there during the process of transformation takes place.
First of all, the eagle must peck the beak on the rock until the beak it slipped out of his mouth, then silence for a long wait for a new beak growth. With the new beak to grow it, he should pull out one at a time when his claws and new claw has grown, he would pull his hair one by one. A long and painful process. Five months later, the eagle feathers that had grow new. Eagle began to fly again.

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