Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ants Smart in Mathematics

Semut Cerdas dalam Matematika

In the field of mathematics, the ants are smarter than elementary school children, according to a study published in the journal  of Behaviour.

The researchers reported under the species of ants with a high level of socialization can communicate about the numbers with members of the colony. "They could even solve a simple arithmetic calculation," the researchers wrote in the report.

For the study, scientists Zhanna Reznikova and Boris Ryabko conducted a survey of diverse species. They prepared a puzzle with food at some point. Ant to provide information about the position of food by conveying the message of the distance that must be taken or the number of steps to be taken. "They not only communicate with smells," explained the researchers.

Ants can perform arithmetic operations with small numbers. "By studying the natural communication system in ants, a new view of studying the numbers to be open," said Reznikova.

The researchers also revealed several other studies that study numeracy in a variety of wildlife. Birds usually whiz at math. Pigeons, crows, and parrots are very good at solving puzzles berhuungan with numbers. Primates are also good at math, though estimated to be smarter ants. Hence, if the ants become a contestant on the quiz Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader, These small animals have a chance to win.

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