Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Swallow (Collacalia fuciphaga) Cultivation in Indonesia


Swallow is a bird-eating insects that are aerial and likes to glide. This dark-colored birds, flying faster with body size medium / small, and has a narrow crescent-shaped wings and pointed, legs are very small as well as its beak and bird species has never perched in a tree.
Swallow has a habit of living in the caves or houses are quite humid, dimly lit until dark and use a palate to attach the nest as a place to rest and breed.


The ranch quail numerous in Sumatra, West Java, East Java and Central Java

Swallow classification is as follows:

Superorder: Apomorphae

Order: Apodiformes

Family: Apodidae

Sub Family: Apodenae

Tribes: Collacaliini

Genera: Collacalia

Species: Collacaliafuciphaga

The result of this is the nest swiftlet farms made of saliva (saliva). Swallow nest is in addition to having high prices, could also benefit the health duni. Swallow nest is useful to heal the lungs, in the heat, blood circulation and energy booster.

Environmental requirements cage locations are:

  1. Lowlands with a maximum altitude of 1000 m above sea level.
  2. Areas that are far from the reach of influence of technological progress and development of society.
  3. Areas that are far from wild birds disorders meat-eaters.
  4. Rice Field, grasslands, open forests, beaches, lakes, rivers, marshes are the most appropriate areas.


Preparation of Facility and Equipment

1. Temperature, Humidity and Lighting

House to swallow the cage must have a temperature, humidity and lighting similar to natural caves. Natural cave temperature ranges 24-26 degrees C and humidity of ± 80-95%. There are many ways to raise snails in the cage, by setting the temperature and humidity conditions :

  • Coat the ceiling with 20 cm thick husk
  • Making water channels or pools in the building.
  • Using the ventilation of the pipe with "L"  shape by distance of 5 m of the hole, diameter 4 cm.
  • Closing the meeting doors, windows and unused holes.
  • In and out of the hole given the antidote to the funnel-shaped beam of jute or black cloth so that the situation in the building will be darker. Prefer dark atmosphere swallow.
2. Building Construction

Generally, the house swallow such a large building, the extent varies from 10x15 up to 10x20 sq meter. The higher (ridge) and the greater the distance between ridge and ceiling, the better house and more preferably swiftlet swiftlet. Houses should not be obscured by tall trees.

Building outer walls are made of the cement mixture. The inside walls should be made from a mixture of sand, lime and cement with a ratio of 3:2:1 which is excellent for controlling the temperature and humidity. To reduce the smell of cement can be watered every day.

The roof frame and the bulkhead where the attachment of the nests are made of strong wood, elderly and long-lasting, durable. The roof is made of tiles.

Swiftlet building needs to be supplemented by roving room as a place berputarputar and resting room as a place to rest and nest. And out of the hole where the bird-sized 20x20 or 20x35 sq cm made at the top. The number of holes depending on the needs and condition of the building. Located holes do not face east and the walls painted black holes.

Seeds Preparation

Swiftlet breeders generally do by accident. Number of bird that circled the house building was used by farmers. To lure the birds for more, homeowners prepare a tape recorder that contains sound recordings of birds Swallow. There is also a stacking hay did that produce small insects as a food ingredient swiftlet.

1) Selection of Candidates for the Master Seed

 As an elected parent birds swallow Swallow who labored to want to nest in the new building. How to lure birds into the Swallow for the new building by using the cassette recordings of wuara Swallow or Swallow. Screening is done at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 hours, ie when the birds come back looking for food.
2) seed treatment and Prospective Parent

 In the swiftlet farming, need to be prepared to swallow the eggs hatched at Swallow bird's nest. Eggs can be obtained from building owners who are doing the swiftlet "how to throw an egg harvest." Harvest was carried out after the swallow bird nest and lay eggs two eggs. Swallow eggs were taken and discarded then the nest is taken. Eggs are removed in this harvest can be used to multiply the swiftlet population with menetaskannya on the Swallow nest.

a. Selecting Eggs Swiftlet

 Eggs are harvested consisted of 3 kinds of colors, namely:

- Pink, eggs just out of the cloaca parent aged 0-5 days.

- White redness, aged 6-10 days.

- White-black dark, near the time of hatching was 10-15 days.

Swallow eggs elliptical, size 2.014 x 1, 353 cm with a weight of 1.97 grams. Characteristics of good eggs have to look fresh and should not be stayed except in hatching machines. Hatching eggs are good to have a relatively small air sacs. Stable and not shift from its place. Location of egg yolk must exist in the middle and not move, can not find blood spots. Determination of the quality of egg on top is done by observation.

b. Bringing Eggs Swiftlet

 Eggs obtained from a distance close to the form of eggs that were young or middle-aged. While the eggs from a distance, preferably in the form of eggs that have been close to hatching. Eggs arranged in a hollow sponge with a diameter of 1 cm. Sponge inserted into the perforated plastic basket and then closed. Shocks vehicles and air-conditioning is too cold can cause the egg to die. Young eggs had a mortality rate of nearly 80%, whereas older eggs are lower.

3) Hatching Egg Nest
a. How to incubate eggs in the nest swiftlet Swallow.

 At the time of the bird nesting season arrives Swallow, Swallow egg is replaced with swallow eggs. Intake of eggs should be with a plastic spoon or paper tisue to avoid damage and pollution that can cause bird egg Swallow do not want mengeraminya. Replacement eggs done in the daytime when the birds Swallow out of the building looking for food.

Furthermore, swallow eggs will be incubated by the bird after hatch will Swallow and nurtured to swallow can fly and find food.
b. Swallow eggs hatch in incubators

 Temperatures around 400 C deg. incubator with humidity 70%. To obtain the moisture is done by placing a plate or saucer filled with water at the bottom of the egg rack. Arranged for water in the cup was not finished.

The eggs inserted into the egg rack evenly and do not overlap. Twice a day behind the position of the eggs carefully to avoid damage to the embryo. On the third day of observation carried eggs. The eggs are empty and the embryo dies discarded. Embryos die mark can be seen in the middle of the eggs have a dark circle of blood. While living embryo eggs will look like cobwebs. Reversal of eggs made to day-to-12.

During the hatching machine should not be opened except for the purpose of filling the cup reversal or humidity regulator. After 13-15 days the eggs will hatch.


1) Nursing

 Children newly hatched bird that is not hairy and very weak. Children that have not been able to swallow food sendir need to be fed with ant eggs (fresh Kroto) three times daily. During 2-3 days the child swallow it still requires a stable and intensive heating so it is not necessary to issue from hatching machine. After that, the temperature may be lowered 1-2 degrees / day by opening the air hole machine.

After the age of ± 10 days when the hairs are growing child swallows moved into a special box. This box is equipped with a heater placed in the middle or corner of the box.

After the age of 43 days, the kids are ready to swallow the fly was taken to the building at night, then dletakan in the rack to release. High rack at least 2 m from the floor. With this height, the child will waket to fly the next day and follow the way of flying swallow adult.
2) Source of Animal Feed

 Swiftlet bird is wild birds that eat their own. The food is small insects that exist in the paddies, open land, forests and coastal / marine. To obtain a satisfactory swallow nest, swiftlet house managers have to provide additional food especially for the dry season. Several ways of generating insects are:

  • planting crops with intercropping.
  • cultivation of insect infestation of dried cassava and mosquitoes.
  • create a pool dipekarangan swiftlet house.
  • rotten fruit piled in the yard.
3) The food quality on a regular basis

 To be successful with a good result of conducting required quality and feeding regularly. The food is based on the quality of food and mealtime habits. Good quality food will determine the quality of snail meat. Quality of good food can be met by providing a feed that preferably leaves and fruits. For example, leaf and fruit papaya, spinach leaves, cucumber eggplant fruit, swai and so forth.

1) Rat

 These pests eat the eggs, young birds even nest swiftlet. Rats bring noise and dirt, and urine can cause an uncomfortable temperature. How to prevent rodents by closing all the holes, not hoard junk and wood that will be used to nest rat.

2) Ants

 Fire ants and the ants eat the children swallow itchy and annoying bird that is laying eggs. How to eradication by providing bait for the ants that are outside the nest surrounded him. After that ant doused with hot water.

3) Cockroaches

 These animals eat bird's nest so that her body defect, a small and imperfect. How to eradication by spraying insecticides, keep clean and dispose of unneeded items removed so as not to become a hiding place.

4) Gecko

 The animal was eating eggs and nest swiftlet. Geckos may eat the child swallow. Droppings can contaminate the roar and the temperature generated unsettle swiftlet. How to eradicate the expelled, arrested while the reduction by creating a water channel around the fence to the barrier, outer wall is made smooth and painted and the holes are not used to close.

Bird's nest may be taken or harvested if the situation is allowed to be picked. To do need a way and picking specific provisions for the results obtained can meet the quality of a good swallow nest. If an error occurs in harvesting would be fatal to the building and swallow itself. It is possible to feel tergangggu swallow and move anywhere. To prevent that possibility, the building owners need to know the technique or pattern and timing of harvesting.

The pattern of bird's nest harvesting can be done by building management swallow in several ways, namely:

1) Harvest booty

 This method is executed after the nest ready to lay eggs, but the couple has not had time to swallow it spawn. This method has the advantage that the interval between harvest fast, good quality bird's nest and the total production of more nests per year. The weakness of this method is not good in pelestaraian walrt birds because there is no rejuvenation. His condition is weak because it was triggered to continuously build a nest so there is no time to rest. The quality of the nest that is down into small and thin because saliva production is not able to keep up pemacuan time to make nests and lay eggs.

2) Harvest Throw Eggs

 This method was done after birds making nests and laying two eggs. Eggs were taken and discarded then the nest is taken. This pattern has the advantage that in a year can be harvested up to 4 times and the resulting nest quality was good as perfect and thick. The drawback is, there is no chance for the swallow to incubate their eggs.

3) Harvest Hatchery

 In this pattern nests can be harvested when young children swallow hatch and was able to fly. The weakness of this pattern, low-quality nest because it is damaged and contaminated by feces. While the advantages of breeding birds can swallow with a quiet and safe so that the population of birds can be increased.

The harvest time is:

1) Harvest 4 times a year

 Harvesting is done when the swallow was at home with a home that has been densely populated and its population. Ways in which the first crop harvest is done by pattern booty. As for the next harvest with the pattern of egg waste.

2) Harvest 3 times a year

 Frequency of harvest is very good for swiftlet building which has been running and still require the addition of the population. Ways in which that is, harvest to harvest tetasan first and then with the pattern of loot and throw eggs.

3) Harvest 2 times a year

 How this is done at the beginning of harvest management, because the goal is to multiply the swiftlet population.

After the harvest swiftlet Dalu collected after cleaning and sorting of results obtained. Yields kotorankotoran cleaned of attached which then performed the separation between a clean swallow nest with dirty.

Approximate analysis of swiftlet farming in West Java in 1999:

1) Capital equipment

a. Building USD. 13,000,000, -

b. Renovation of the building USD. 10.000.000, -

c. Supplies Rp. 500.000, -

 Total fixed capital of Rp. 23,500,000, -

 Cost Depreciation / month: Rp. 23,500,000, -: 60 months (5 years) to Rp. 391 667, -

2) Working capital

a. Procurement Costs

 - Eggs Swiftlet 500 grain @ Rp. 5.000, - USD. 500.000, -

 - Transportation USD. 100.000, -

 - Eat USD. 50.000, -

b. Employment Costs

 - Maintain cage / month @ USD. 5000, - x 3 bln USD. 15.000, -

 - Harvest USD. 20.000, -

 Total cost of production 1x: Rp. 650.000, - + USD. 35.000, - USD. 685 000, -

3) The amount of capital needed at the start of Production

a. Fixed capital of Rp. 13,500,000 -

b. Production 1x working capital of Rp. 685 000, -

 Total capital of Rp. 14,185,000, -

4) The production capacity for 5-year 1-time production:

a. bird's nest to produce 1 kg

b. Swallow nests produced 15 kg

c. for 1 year, 4 times the production, resulting in:

- 4 kg bird's nest

- 60 kg Swallow bird nest

d. for 5 years, 20 times the production, resulting in:

- 20 kg bird's nest

- 300 kg Swallow bird nest

5) Production costs

a. Fixed costs per month: Rp. 23,500,000, -: 60 months - USD. 391 667,

b. Costs are not fixed USD. 685 000, -

 Total Production Cost per month USD. 1,076,667, -

 Total production Rp.1.076.667: 16 kg (Swallow and Swallow) USD. 67 292, -

6) Sales

a. bird's nest 1 kg USD. 17,000,000, -

b. Swallow bird's nest 15 kg to Rp. 3.000.000, -

For the first time the production of Rp. 20.000.000, -

For 5 years

a. bird's nest 20 kg to Rp. 340 000 000, -

b. Swallow bird nest 300 kg to Rp. 60,000,000 -

 Total sales of USD. 400 000 000, -

7) Break Even Point

a. Income for 5 Years USD. 400 000 000, -

b. Production costs for 5 years USD. 1,076,667 x 60 bln Rp. 64,600,000, -

c. The advantage for 5-year USD. 335 400 000, -

d. Net profit per production 335 400 000: 60 bln USD. 5.59 million, -

e. BEP 232 919

8) Return of Capital 3 months (1 x production)
Agribusiness Opportunity Overview

Bird's nest is a high-value export commodities. The need for a bird's nest in the international market is very large and is still lack of supply. This is caused by the still less the number of swiftlet farming. In addition, the production of existing swiftlet nest is a production of natural nests. Raising bird's nest is very promising if properly managed and intensive.

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