Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Observing Solar Eclipses Safely and Simplified

Solar eclipse events often make a scene, yet it is common natural phenomenon, although considered somewhat rare. One cause of the uproar is concern about the safety of the eyes, the fear that led to blind to see the eclipse.


As the diaphragm in cameras, the human eye has a pupil that can widen or narrow to measure the amount of light entering the eye. In the dark atmosphere, the diameter of the pupil dilated to 8 mm in order to collect enough light that lets people see in the dark. In the summer, shrank to 2 mm in diameter, was even able to shrink to about 1.6 mm when faced with blinding light.
But by the pupillary light dosing no limits, no blocking power beam of sunlight is so intense. If calculated, the direct light from the sun should be attenuated 50,000 times in order to be safe for the eyes, made the original strength of 0.00002. Otherwise, people are desperate to challenge the sun is likely to be blind.
Therefore, daily sun glare beam always be avoided. But when the eclipse comes, people get interested to observe the sun's face being turned into a crescent. Forget the mainland was possible, unaware about the dangers.
Because at the time of eclipse, solar beam was blocked in part by a month so that nature becomes dim and pupils were dilated. Right at the top when people look up to stare the sun, the pupil has not had time to react, when the sun's surface brightness remains the same with the enormity of the daily, the shrinkage in size only to form crescent. It's certainly an enormous danger that threatens blindness. The more so if looking through binoculars, camera or other optical instrument that is not modified, because there is a lens that focuses light on it and greatly increases the danger.   
Do not ever see the solar eclipse with the naked eye, especially with binoculars or cameras that are not equipped with a special equipment.


Kotak Pemantau Gerhana
Eclipse Monitoring Box

No need to worry, there are a number of safe ways to observe the event, not necessarily once a year stop in the same region. The principle that is widely used is not seen directly but watched the image of the sun on a surface. As another way, the sunny weather is certainly needed. A tangible example of a simple cardboard box that can be made yourself (see picture).
Field over an area of ​​approximately 30cm x 30cm were given a small hole (often called Pinhole) In diameter about 1 mm at a distance of 5cm from the edge. Through this hole, the sun will break through to form the image on the surface in the field below. The higher the size of the box, the image of the sun getting bigger. But for the sake of practicality, it is enough if the high box between 50 to 80 cm.
Furthermore, on the edge of the field of widening the hole created as a place to taste for both eyes to peek inside the box. In use, with his back to the sun, the box held her eyes peered inside. Box dimiring-tilt slightly to find the best direction that produces the image of the sun in the field below.
Two reasons that make this box safe. Firstly because of the small hole to allow only incoming bit stream sun. Both because we are observing with his back to the sun, keep the eyes from the spotlight of the sun.
The same principle is also found in other places. Those who do not have time to make the box can be prepared under the trees that still get a little sunlight, so that in normal circumstances reveal bright dots on the ground. Consider the tiny dots that, when the solar eclipse into crescent shape. If the wind blows the leaves shake, sickle-bright crescent funny even then moving around.

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