Friday, May 27, 2011

Nose as Medicine for Fatigue and Dizziness

We have a nostril on the left and right, that's for sure. Does the same function for inhaling and dispose of breath? Actually, no and we can feel the difference. Right side represents the sun, out of breath, and the left represents the moon, out cold. That's our unique nose that in fact not much noticed.

If dizziness, try to close your right nostril and breathe through your left nostril and do think - about 5 minutes, the headache will be cured. If you feel tired, close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril. Perform back.

Soon, you will feel refreshed. For your right nostril hot issue, so easy to heat, release the left nostril cold. Women breathe more with their left nostril, so calm down easily. Men breathe more with the right nostril, so easy to anger.

Did you ever notice when you wake up, whichever nostril breathing faster? The left or right? If the left nostril breathing faster, you will feel very tired. Close your left nostril and use the right nostril to breathe, you will get refresh quickly. The way it should be taught to children, but the effect will be more effective if applied to adults.

It's an experience, try the tips apply without these side effects. Many others have tried and succeeded. It is a natural therapy, such as taking medicines for a long time may have side effect. So why do not you try? Practice the correct ways of breathing therapy (interesting and out of breath), the condition of your body will be very relaxed.

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