Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Electrical Energy Saving Tips at Home

The use of electrical appliances in the modern era is increasingly broad and diverse, including heavy industry to the household. Household electrical appliances in general are designed for efficient power consumption / saving, but in practice still found in a waste of electrical energy.  
This can occur because of the use of equipment in a manner that is less precise. The principles that need attention and cultivate the attitude of electrical energy saving in households, among others:  
  1. Connect the power of electricity as required. Households small example, with enough power 450 VA or 900 VA, households are enough to power 900 VA to 1300 VA.  
  2. Choosing the right equipment and household needs. 
  3. Shape the behavior of household members economize electric energy, such as:  
    • Turning power tools only when necessary.   
    • Using power tools in turn.  
    • Using electric power to supplement household income (productive).  
    Step-by-step use of household electrical appliances in saving electrical energy consumption: 
    1. Refrigerator / Freezers.  
    • Choosing a refrigerator with the size / capacity accordingly. 
    • Opening the refrigerator door as necessary, and in certain conditions can be maintained for closed meetings. 
    • Filling the refrigerator as necessary (do not exceed capacity).  
    • Placing the refrigerator away from heat sources such as sunlight, stove.  
    • Leaving the refrigerator at least 15 cm from the wall / walls of the house.  
    • Does not include food / beverage is still hot into the fridge.  
    • Clean the condenser (located behind the fridge) on a regular basis from dust and dirt, so that the heat release process went well. 
    • Set the refrigerator temperature as needed / not too low, because of the lower / cold more and more electrical energy consumption.  
    • Turning off the fridge when unused for long periods of time.  
    2. Electric irons  
    • Adjust the heat level required by the fabric to be ironed. 
    • Clean the bottom of the iron from the crust that can inhibit the heat.  
    • Turn off the iron immediately after ironing is completed or when will be left to work on another. 
    3. Television, Radio, Tape Recorder 
    Turning off the television, radio, tape recorder, and other audio visual equipment when not watching or not heard. 

    4. Water Pump.
    • Using a water tank and water pump turned on only when water in the tank is running low, or use automatic control system. 
    • It would be better when using the buoy automatic circuit breaker, which would cut off electrical current to pump water when the water is full. 
    • The more often pump water "living dead", the greater the power is used. 
    • Choosing the type of water pump in accordance with the requirements and that have a high level of efficiency. 

    5. Fan  
    • Opening vents / windows of the house to facilitate air into the house. 
    • Turning on the fan as needed and turn off when not necessary anymore. 
    • Choosing a fan that has a timer (timer) and set the timer as needed. 
    • Set the fan speed as necessary. 

    6. Air Conditioning (AC)
    • Choosing energy-efficient air conditioning and power according to the size of the room. 
    • Turn off the AC when the room is not used. 
    • Adjust the room temperature sufficiently, do not set the AC too cold. 
    • Closing the doors, windows and ventilate the room for hot air from the outside not inside. 
    • Placing AC as far as possible from direct sunlight for cooling effect is not reduced. 
    • Cleaning the strainer (filter) with regular air. 

    7. Washing Machine
    • Choosing a washing machine with a capacity in accordance with the amount of laundry every day. 
    • Using a washing machine in accordance with its capacity. When you exceed the capacity, to increase the load of electricity. When the laundry is a bit try to wash by hand only.  
    • Dryers should be used only during cloudy or rainy. When a sunny day in drying alone. 

    8. Rice Cooker 
    • Choose a rice cooker with a capacity in accordance with needs. 
    • Leaving the rice cooker in an upright position so that the electric breaker tool will work fine.  
    • Cook rice according to the capacity of a rice cooker. 
    • Try to cook the rice near the time of eating. 
    • Always check the automatic electric breakers. When the tool is damaged then the electricity will continue to flow into the heating element even though the rice is cooked.

    9. Dust vacuum (Vacuum Cleaner)  
    • Choosing a vacuum cleaner in accordance with needs and with sufficient power. 
    • Cleaning the dust bag immediately after use vacuum cleaner. 
    • Using a vacuum cleaner to work hard enough, if for light work / small just use a broom and other cleaning tools. 
    • Immediately turn off the vacuum cleaner when the motor gets hot or changes in the motor sounds, the possibility of something that interferes with work vacuum cleaner.  

    10. Lighting Lamp 
    • Using energy-saving lamps. 
    • Using electronic ballasts and installing capacitors on the type of fluorescent lamp / Neon. 
    • Turning on the lights only when necessary only, and turn off lights when not needed anymore. 
    • The color of the walls, floors and ceilings that light is very helpful in improving the efficiency of lighting. 
    • Install appropriate lighting / as close as possible to the illuminated objects. 
    • Adjust furniture so as not to obstruct light lamp. 
    • Clean the lamp glass when dirty / dusty so as not to block the light.

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