Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

FATIGUE to overcome jet lag that often interrupt your trip? Do not be pessimistic deal. Just follow these seven ways!

If you travel frequently, it is likely to suffer jet lag is continue to lurk. This disorder is a disease that often attack anyone either children or adults though. Usually the nausea arising caused by air pressure and inner ear disorders that cause imbalances in the body. Actually, these symptoms are normal symptoms. Even healthy people may develop symptoms even airsickness.

Well, if you include those as described above, simply follow the tips below:

1. When you experience symptoms of nausea during the flight, immediately take nutmeg and place it under your tongue. This fruit will pacify and stabilize the effects of nausea and dizziness that you feel. Not only that, nutmeg placement under the tongue will make the flow of blood to flow fast so do not feel any nausea.

2. If you're prone to airsickness attack, when you just get into a plane immediately to drink ginger tea. If airlines do not provide it, prepare the tea so you can brew it on the plane. Ginger has anti-nausea effects that are natural.

3. Avoid foods high in sugar or carbohydrates before the flight. Sugar and carbohydrates can cause adrenaline to grow so that cause pain and create panic. However, if you had to eat before the flight should choose foods that are high in protein with a companion a few low-carbohydrate vegetables.

4. Peppermint oil is good medicine to overcome jet lag. Before the flight, keep peppermint oil in your small bag.

5. Bring a piece or pieces of ice cubes. Sucking ice will help to minimize nausea and acidity that can cause jet lag.

6. When booking flights, try to find a seat near the window. Panorama air and blue sky that can be enjoyed from the windows will make you more calm.

7. Make sure air vents (AC sweep) above leads directly to your face.

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