Monday, April 25, 2011

Is It Safe Drinking Urine?

Drinking urine is a culture for some people for centuries. Does it mean urine safe to drink?
As many as 95 percent of urine is water, 5 percent more are electrolytes containing chloride, sodium, and potassium. Urine can also bring the remaining toxic waste the kidney.
Sodium draws water from the cell, so that too many of these compounds in the body can cause dehydration. Meanwhile, too much potassium could tails on heart attacks. "Much like drinking sea water," said Jeff Giullian, kidney specialist from South Denver Nephrology Associates in Colorado, USA. Nevertheless, such electrolytes is still needed for generating electric cell in the body.
In some cultures, urine is consumed. Communities in the Iberian Peninsula using it to whiten teeth 50 years before Christ. In Sanskrit, the term "amaroli" which means "urine therapy".
Some people are also known to use urine to survive on less water conditions. Dan Woolley is 65 hours trapped under the rubble of the Hotel Montana in Haiti admitted drinking own urine. Bear Grylls, host of TV show Man Vs. Wild, said drinking his own urine as a way to survive - Woolley admitted inspired Grylls.
However, Les Stroud, Survivorman show star, said different things. He put the urine into the list of "do not drink" it. Drinking urine to survive when in fact be exacerbating the condition. When a person is less fluid, electrolyte content becomes excessive and acid concentration also increased.(Source: Popsci)

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