Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flying Carpet

Classic tale of Aladdin has worldwide for decades. Aladdin's magic lamp story addition also features a magic carpet that can be used to glide in the sky. The children who first heard the story of Aladdin is usually fascinated with the flying carpet. So cool to fly on the carpet around the world! Aircraft can not give us satisfaction that want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sky and wanted to feel the fresh air in space. Blimp also seemed too cumbersome and limiting us. Flying carpet does offer its own preoccupations. Then if we can get as well as Aladdin's flying carpet?

The laws of physics indicate that a rug like that might not be able to fly high around the world unless there is a storm that flew out of control. If we sit on it the carpet was even less able to float because of the huge gravitational pull of the earth (gravity caused by our body mass). Carpets do not have engines like an airplane that can get the thrust (thrust) So that can go quickly and eventually the wing produce lift (lift) Is enough to lift the aircraft from ground level. Carpets are also did not like birds that have wings so can not be packed-kepakkan to produce the styles adopted. So, for now flying carpet is still a mere fairy tale fantasy.

In 1989 the launch of Hollywood science fiction movie, Back to the Future II. The film shows something similar to the flying carpet. 'Carpet' fly in the movie was not really a carpet that can fly, but it is a form of skateboard (Sled) without wheels that can hover in the air (glide without touching the ground surface). The film was referred to it as Hoverboard (Kite board.) This kite board does not like flying carpet in Aladdin's story, but its pretty close, even kite board is a form of 'carpet' fly the most likely to have. Its size is not as big as Aladdin's magic carpet that can be used as a cushion while flying across the sky. These boards are sized like a sled so that only a pair of legs can carry us only. We must continue to stand up when using this board, we can not sit like Aladdin on his magic carpet was. In addition, this kite board can not really fly high like Aladdin's carpet. As the name implies, this board can only hover (hovering) A few inches above the soil surface. But we still can feel the sensation of floating in the air that we've dreamed of. What is the secret behind the 'carpet' fly this mini?

As we take a walk to the mall and past the electronics shops that sell fans, we often see the shops that install the fan horizontally so as to produce a swirling wind on it. To show the amount of wind generated electric fan is the vendors usually put a small ball or balloon over the fan so that we can see for yourself balloon 'flying' or rather, float, on top of the fan is playing it. The balloon can float with stable not because around the balloon there is no force of gravity, and it's not as if by magic! We can all immediately understand that the balloon can float because of air spray coming from the fan earlier. Gravity forces (gravity balloon) countered by the lift force generated from the fan air is sprayed so that the balloon can rise up and float to the stable. Kite boards apply the principles that are similar to this. Kite board can float because of the wind which is also produced from a small fan located in the inner space of the board.

At the bottom of the board, there is an empty space called a plenum chamber (plenum chamber.) Inside this room there is a strong enough fan to generate air flow (a wind), which then meets the room. Indoor air pressure is greater than the outside air pressure. When the room was already filled with air, some air will be sprayed out through a small hole located below the fan (on the bottom board). Air Spray gives the action on the ground (floor) so that the soil gives the reaction of the lift force from the land board. As a result, boards can hover as high as several centimeters from the surface.

In addition to flying, kite board has other advantages compared to the sled. Kite boards are always floating in the air is never in direct contact with the surface (never touching the surface) when it is sliding (that's why this board does not need wheels like on the sled.) This means there is no friction between the board with the ground / floor that must be resisted when gliding. Therefore, this kite board can glide at high speed even if only to get a little thrust (thrust.) To control the direction and velocity we only need to adjust your body position on the board. How 'driving' kite board is no different from the sled is so commonly used around the world.

Since the release of the film Back To The Future 2 which is then followed again by Back to the Future 3 many toy company that receives a request to produce kite board similar to that shown in the movie. Of course, kite board used in the film was just a regular board that can not be floated. Flying scenes were the result of camera tricks because at that time hoverboard not yet invented. But in the games world, the Olympic summer of 2000, there are companies that have managed to create hoverboard and show it off in a festive opening ceremony of the Olympics. Hoverboard was named Airboard and not shaped like a board that is used in the film Back to the Future 2 and 3. The size is large and very thick, and having a control device which is driven by hand. Whatever its form, Airboard really can float! This proven technology is kite board can actually be realized in real life.

Other companies began to compete to produce the kite board simpler and more practical to use. The technology used varies. Some use magnetic force (using the repulsive force between magnets mounted on the bottom board with the earth's magnetic field), there also are using repulsion between similar electric charges between the surface of the base board with the surface traversed (electrostatic Repulsion.) But the most promising technology and the simplest is the technology FAT (Forcefield Air-cushion Technology) That use air spray earlier. All this technology can produce kite boards that can be used on any kind of surface, can be ground (wet or dry), stone floors, grass, snow, and ice. Although this kite board can still be used to float above the wet surface, this board can not function properly when used on the surface of deep water because of the limited amount of wind (air flow) that can be produced. In a dirty surface (eg a lot of waste paper) meluncurnya speed is reduced because these impurities can be easily lifted (carried) the wind that is created at the bottom of the board. Kite board can function optimally when used to float above the surface smooth and flat.

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