Saturday, April 16, 2011


Only one and a half decades after the Wright Brothers took off with their homemade aircraft over terrain Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in 1903, other pioneers began to pursue a dream to make a flying car. Even much earlier, already there is an attempt in the 18th century to develop a buggy that can fly. As many people suspected a phenomenal effort that failed miserably. There are nearly 80 patents that are stored in the archives of the United States patent office for various kinds of flying cars. Some of the cars flying it really can fly. But the more that can not fly at all. And in general, flying car designs that have escaped from the test flight had not been able to be produced commercially. Below we will look back to see some cars that were created to pioneer the era of flying cars.

Mobil terbang Curtiss Autoplane, Bisnis Tiket PesawatThe Glenn Curtiss Autoplane
Cars made by Glenn Curtis in 1917 is regarded as the pioneer of the first flying car-making business. Glenn Curtiss Autoplane first shown to the public on the Pan-American Aeronautical exhibition held in the city of New York in February 1917. The vehicle earned the nickname "Air Limousin", a small vehicle with strange shapes. The front of Ford's car-like appearance while its wings like the wings of aircraft used by the famous Red Baron. This flying car is the only prototype ever built by Glenn Curtis. At the time of flight trials in 1917 also, Curtiss Autoplane it had several times flying low (people prefer to call it jumping up and down), but never really could fly. And the test was considered a failure. But nevertheless, Glenn Curtiss still got the nickname as the father of the flying car.

Mobil terbang Arrowbile, Bisnis Tiket PesawatArrowbile
When the world is being hit by the terrible economic recession in the late 1920s era, the U.S. government wanted the aircraft that the price is quite cheap and affordable by the public which could function as a mode of personal transportation. This prompted Waldo Dean Waterman to make a flying car that could actually function as the government wants it. Waterman (1894-1976) was an aircraft engineer with a creative design flair. He also began trying to make a car that can also be changed into an airplane. And the result is "Arrowbile," a car that can be converted into a small plane in a few minutes.Most of the Arrowbile made as part of the standard car, use the wheel as a driver when it is functioning as a car and use the propellers when functioned as aircraft. Waterman test flight using Arrowbile on February 21, 1937, and the results are quite satisfactory. Homemade flying car that can function properly. Over the next few years, he demonstrated that flying car to fly through the air in the entire U.S. region. According to newspaper reports at the time, Arrowbile capable of flying at speeds around 110 miles per hour, and if it is being used as a car capable of driving with a speed of 55 kilometers per hour.Although Arrowbile had managed to escape trial flight with satisfactory results, but this car still does not attract the attention of people to produce it commercially. Until finally Waterman is also out of business.

Mobil terbang Airphibian, Bisnis Tiket PesawatAirphibian
Airphibian designed by Robert Fulton Jr.. Despite a similar name, but this guy has nothing to do with the inventor of the famous steam engine. Robert Fulton has developed Airphibian since 1946. If not functioned as aircraft, automobile body can be separated from the frame plane. Only takes about five minutes to change the Airphibian to become an aircraft or vice versa.Robert Fulton made the flying car is using Franklin 6A4-165 engine. At the time functioned as aircraft, Airphibian can reach speeds up to 160 kilometers per hour. Meanwhile, when driving a car on the highway, can reach speeds of 89 miles per hour. And in 1950, flying cars made by Robert Fulton became the first flying car to obtain a certificate from the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), which later turned into the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an institution that is very influential in the regulation of aviation.But although it has obtained a certificate of eligibility to fly from the aviation agency CAA caliber, Airphibian remains the same fate as that experienced by its predecessor. Flying car is not successful in attracting the attention of investors to want to produce it in bulk.

Mobil terbang ConvAirCar, Bisnis Tiket PesawatConvAirCar
This flying car is registered with registration number NX90850, was designed by Theodore P. Hall, an expert in aerodynamics. And its prototype has the support of funds from Consolidated Vultee aircraft manufacturer. Aircraft manufacturer is ready to produce some 160,000 units Convaircar considering hundreds of thousands of dollars already spent to finance this project. At that time, this flying car ready pegged to the price of 1500 dollars per unit.Convaircar first flight tested on November 1, 1947. This car flew for 1 hour 18 minutes. Pilot who drove it was Reuben Snodgrass. And Snodgrass reported that the flying car is easily controlled. The test flight successful. The people involved in the project Convaircar convinced that flying car would be successful in the market. But alas, Convaircar falls on the third flight. This failure to make public no longer willing to put expectations on Convaircar to be used as alternative transportation modes. And hope to be able to market the flying car is also to be dispersed.

Mobil terbang Avrocar, Bisnis Tiket PesawatAvrocar
Avrocar is the only flying car designed for military purposes. Cars fly military version of this disc-shaped. Looks to be similar to an aircraft flying saucer. Even pointed out that some reports of UFO sightings (UFO) is a manifestation of being tested Avrocar fly.Avrocar or with a more complete name Avrocar S / N 58-7055 (AV-7055 and the VZ-9) is an aircraft VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) which was developed by Avro Aircraft Ltd. in Canada. Flying car is part of a secret military project which is operated by the U.S. in the early cold war era.Avrocar plan will be enabled for the mobilization of troops and as a tactical fighter. Two prototypes have been made Avrocar. But while testing the aircraft, the military version of the flying car is having problems of degradation and have poor performance. Therefore and also due to other things, the project is otherwise terminated in September 1961.

Mobil terbang Aerocar, Bisnis Tiket PesawatAerocar
Aerocar designed and built by Moulton Taylor in Longview, Washington - the U.S. in 1949. According to the newspaper, making Aerocar is inspired by the flying car predecessor, Robert E. Airphibian artificial Fulton Jr.. Second flying car makers are indeed never met before in a trip to Delaware. In Airphibian, wings would be removed if the car is not used for flying. While on the Aerocar, wings folded just enough if not used for flying.There are six Aerocar prototype that was made. And everything can be functioned as expected, both as a car or a plane. When flying in the air, Aerocar able sped at 110 miles per hour, and has a speed of 60 miles per hour when driving on the highway. In 1970, Ford Motor Co. ever plan to market this flying car. But due to the fuel crisis at that time the plan was never realized.Although considered not able to offer a viable flying car driven by the public, but the pioneers making the flying car has been proved that the flying car can indeed be made. With advances in technology, the dream of flying cars that are getting close.

The Transition

Every pilot faces uncertain weather, rising costs,
and ground transportation hassles on each end of the flight.
The Transition® combines the unique convenience of being able
to fold its wings with the ability to drive on any surface road
in a modern personal airplane platform. Stowing the wings
for road use and deploying them for flight at the airport is activated
from inside the cockpit. This unique functionality addresses head-on
the issues faced by today’s Private and Sport Pilots.
Terrafugia’s award-winning MIT-trained engineers have been advancing
the state-of-the-art in personal aircraft since 2006. Now you can streamline
your flying experience with the revolutionary integration of personal land and
air travel made possible by the Transition® Roadable Aircraft.


Max, Vh:
Cruise, Vc:
Stall, Vs:

100 kts (115 mph, 185 km/h)
93 kts (105 mph, 172 km/h)
45 kts (51 mph, 83 km/h)
425 nmi (490 mi, 787 km)
1700' (518 m) over 50' obstacle

Gross Takeoff Weight:
Empty Weight:
Useful Load:

1430 lbs (650 kg)
970 lbs (440 kg)
460 lbs (210 kg)

Fuel burn at cruise:
Useable Fuel:
Milage on road:

5 gph (18.9 L/h)
23 gal (87L)
35 mpg (14.9 km/L)

Light Sport Aircraft (LSA)

Rear wheel drive on the ground
Automotive-style entry and exit
Two place, side by side
Automated electromechanical folding wing
No trailer or hangar needed
Cargo area holds golf clubs
Drive in case of inclement weather
Proven 100 hp Rotax 912S engine
Full vehicle parachute available
Modern glass avionics
Automotive crash safety features
80” (2m) tall
90” (2.3m) wide
18’ 9” (6m) long
78" (2m) tall
26' 6" (8m) wingspan
19' 9" (6m) long
48” at the shoulder
Carry-on luggage
Golf clubs
Two place, side-by-side

MMVs Samson Motorworks

Mobil terbang buatan Samson Motorworks, Bisnis Tiket Pesawat
f a few years ago people were amazed at
the cars that can glide over the surface of
the water, now it will be more and more
admiration again. Not long before a car can
also fly like an airplane.
Flying cars that do not need a runway like
an airplane in general. The realization of
dreams about flying cars depicted in the movies
science-fiction is in sight now. And hope it
comes from Samson Motorworks, a company that
concentrated on what they call by the term Multi-vehicle.
They have a multi-function design vehicles that are named
Skybike and the Switchblade.It's strange enough, the vehicle
that looks nothing like a bicycle or bike moto was named Skybike.
Perhaps to be heard more convenient than using a name that seems
less futuristic Skycar. The size of these vehicles is quite small. 

Thinking about about 4.5 meters long and almost 2 meters wide. D
esigned with the concept MMVs (Multi Mode Vehicles) or multi-function vehicle.
That can go on a few tracks, in this land or on the road and air.
Artificial MMVs Samson Motorworks is designed to be able to
fly to a height of 10,000 feet, equivalent to almost 330 meters.
The interior equipped like a luxury car. For example, heating
and air conditioning, video monitors, and devices with mega bass
sound system that can play music from CDs and MP3s.
For external lighting (floodlights) in the form of
light units that can function interchangeably to pass
on the highway or when you're gliding through the air.
Safety systems were already designed in such a way as to
ensure the safety of the rider.As a multi-functional vehicles,
MMVs required to use the engine with low emissions because of
its ability that can be aired. For that Samson Motorworks
prefer a modified motorcycle engine to be able to move the
propeller or the propeller. This modified machine design has
passed the test flight in California. The resulting emissions are
still below the standard threshold so that more and more ease
in care. By consuming 16 gallons or equivalent to 60 liters of
fuel (if using a unit of U.S. gallons) a MMVs can travel
a distance of 880 miles when running on land and 340 miles if
gliding on air.MMVs (Skybike and Switchblade) already meet
the standards of the FAA (U.S. aviation safety standards).
For example, with floodlights equipped land and air,
as already mentioned, the radio equipment as a communications and
navigation, ELT (Emergency Location transmitter), measuring
altitude flying, parachute, and so forth. And of course the rider
must have a certificate from the FAA as well.Prototype is being
created at Swift Engineering in San Clemente - California,
Skybike designed to reach speeds of 80 mph (80 mile per hour) or
80 miles per hour on the ground and a speed of 130 mph when
flying in the air.To ride a MMVs (Skybike or Switchblade)
we do not have to have the ability and certified as a pilot.
The manufacturer would only enable MMVs as usual vehicle if
the buyer is not a pilot. But if you are indeed a pilot and
have enough money to buy a Skybike or Switchblade, you must be
patient to wait until the year 2010. Because the prototype is
still under development. Regarding the price, the manufacturer is
not providing details.

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