Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cause of Increased Caterpillars Population

Diketahui, Penyebab Bertambahnya Populasi Ulat Bulu

Head of Research and Development (Research and Development) of Agricultural Ministry, Haryono said that the cause of the increased population of caterpillars in some areas in the country is changing ecosystem. The conclusion has been confirmed by several research institutions and experts who gathered insects.

Ecosystem changes result in the loss factor is a natural balance for a while. Factor is the reduced number of natural predators, like birds, bats, and weaver ants, and parasitoid.
"As a system, nature also have components that create a balance. When one component was down, the balance will be disturbed. So does that happen with family of Limantriidae (caterpillars) at this time," said Hary.

Diminishing natural predators and an increase caterpillars affected unnatural element. Global climate change become a major factor. "But this situation will not last long. Nature has a balancing mechanism," said Hary. According to him, natural predators and other biological factors will be re-balancing function and population of caterpillars will return to normal amounts.

Research Institute for Estate Crops in Bogor who often have increased caterpillar population in certain periods. The population will return to normal naturally. Therefore, Haryono asked local residents who have excess caterpillar population to be less affected by the phenomenon.

Caterpillars do not attack crops. The natural host is the type of annual crops, like mango. Host caterpillars do not cause death or halt production. "Because the caterpillars do not attack the growing point of the host, such as leafhoppers. He is the type of eating some types of foliage," said Hary.

However, Haryono acknowledged, caterpillar species in Probolinggo has advantages in its development cycle. "Others have 28-30 day cycle. If that in Probolinggo faster than that," added Haryono

The conclusion is reinforced by the study researchers and academics entomology (insects), some institutions, such as LIPI and IPB. The experts collected insects  from Agricultural Research
all over Indonesia and also give the same conclusion.

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